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FineMolds 1/72 JASDF F-15J Fighter J-MSIP

RM 168.00
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FineMolds' newly tooled 1/72 F-15J in its initial service configuration is followed closely by this model of the F-15J J-MSIP which incorporates a number of improvements introduced as part of the type's mid-life upgrade.

FineMolds contines to set new standards in tooling and level of detail, and this new release includes:

- cockpit instrument panel and side consoles with raised details and also options for decals
- detailed avionics bay
- full intake trunks and engine with crisp internal details
- air intakes positionable variable geometry inlets
- positionable airbrake (new type)
- new radome with dielectric strips
- detailed launch AIM-9 launch rails
- F100 tailpipes without turkey feathers
- decal options for 3 aircraft 204 Sqn. 201 Sqn. & 306 Sqn. with full stencil data

No weapons are included with model, and weapons may be obtained separately from FiineMolds' JASDF Missile Set (item no. FP39).